Games I've worked on

My Itch page

Faster than Missiles

Logo of Faster than Missiles

A Low Effort Team Production. Fly a plane and dodge missiles the way it works in movies. Download for the best performance, playing in browser is a bad experience.
Made for WolverineSoft's 2023 Beach Jam with the theme "Speed". Third place winners overall.
Responsibilities: Programming, Art, Design

Scratchy Scratch

Logo of scratchy scratch

A FNAF-like game by the Low Effort Team. Play as Scratch the Cat on their quest to kill the ultimate demon mosquito - summonable only through blood sacrifice.
Made for WolverineSoft's 2023 Shammy Jam (Shamrock Jamrock) with the theme "From Scratch". Winner for Use of Theme.
Responsibilities: Design, Programming, Art

Nevermore: Natural Language Spellcasting

Logo of Nevermore Gameplay of Nevermore

Cast spells just like your favourite heroes, without the typical restrictions of normal videogame spells. Discover and practice new spells against imp dummies, then join a multiplayer match to use them on your friends.
Made for EECS 449 Conversational AI senior project. Voted best project.
Responsibilities: Director, Game Design, Mechanics

Suzette's Revenge (Tech Demo)

Art from Paraseed

A fanmade Renpy visual novel set in the LTB universe. This is currently just a tech demo I got asked by Studio Diag to make to help demonstrate complex control flows and OOP in Renpy so they can do something similar in their VN Flamechaser. I would like to turn this into an actual little VN one day. Or at least finish the background art piece that I've been neglecting for a year.
Responsibilities: Everything


Art from Paraseed

Honestly not very good. The gameplay that is, I'm happy with the art. Oh well, not bad for my first jam.
Made for GlobalGameJam 2023 with the theme "Roots".
Responsibilities: Art and Writing